How To Cook Ila Alasepo (Okro Soup)

Ila Alasepo (Okra Soup)

Okra (Okro) is popularly known as ila by the Yoruba people, while Asepo means ‘cooking together’, even the soup can be explained as mixed okra soup. It is known as miyan kunbewa in Hausa. And it is one of the quickest and affordable  nigerian soups to cook. Igbo people like to add Ogbono and vegetables when making this soup.

Okra is rich in protein, Fibre, Folate, Vitamins k/c, and also Magnesium which are necessary for both young and old ones.


2 cups of chopped okro
2 spoons of Palm oil
Precooked meat
Minced Red bell pepper
2 pieces of Smoked fish
Fresh or dried prawns
Water or meat stock
Cooking potash (Kaun)
2 or 3 cubes of maggi/ knorr
Half cup of grinded crayfish
Salt to taste
Locust beans (optional)


1. Put a pot on burner and pour your water (or meat water) and cooking potash, leave it to a boiling point.
2. Add crayfish powder, meat, maggi/knorr, palm oil, smoked fish, prawns, the minced pepper and salt.
3. Leave it to simmer for about 10 minutes and you will get a tasty soupy combination.
4. Add the chopped okra and stir.
5. Leave it to simmer 3-5 minutes.

Now your ila alasepo is ready, so you can served with any of the Nigerian swallow such as amala, eba, fufu, semo, or starch. Anyways I do prefer Eba, Enjoy your meal!!!

See How To Make Gbegiri Soup


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