banga soup

Banga Soup

Banga soup is a palm fruit soup common to the Niger delta and south eastern part of Nigeria. The Igbo version of this soup is the banga stew, they are almost the same since same ingredients are used. Banga stew can be served with boiled rice while the banga soup is best enjoyed with eba, semovita, fufu, pounded yam or starch.


1 kg Palm Fruits
Dry Fish
Scent Leaves for Ofe Akwu or Dried & Crushed bitter leaves for Delta-style Banga Soup
Crayfish (You can choose to use it blended as you desire)
Red scotch bonnet pepper (atarodo)
Ogiri Okpei (Iru)
Knorr/Maggi cubes
Salt to taste


1. Extract the palm fruit concentrate from the palm fruits.
2. Cook the beef and the dry fish with diced onions and Knorr/maggi cubes till done.
3. Wash and cut the scent leaves into tiny pieces. The scent leaves give the Banga Soup a unique aroma. If cooking Delta-style Banga Soup for starch, you should either cook this soup without vegetables or use dried and crushed bitter leaves.
4. Slice onions & set aside, Pound the crayfish, ogiri okpei and pepper in a mortar and set aside. You can also grind them with a dry mill as you wish.
5. Set the pot of palm fruit extract on the stove and start cooking at high heat. Leave it to boil till you notice some red oil at the surface of the Soup.
6. If your Banga Soup looks watery, cook till the soup has thickened.
7. Add the beef, dry fish and stock from the meat, onions, crayfish and pepper and leave to boil very well. Add the scent leaves or any other vegetable, pepper and salt to taste.
8. Leave to simmer for about 2 minutes. Your Soup is done and ready to be served. Enjoy with eba, semovita, fufu, pounded yam or starch.

Here is How To Make Gbegiri Soup

Check this also How To Cook Ila Alasepo (Okro Soup)

And This How To Make Garden Egg Sauce

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